Friday, December 30, 2022

Packing. Packing. Panicking. Re-Packing


So how exactly does one pack for 6 months living in a foreign country? I do not have this down to a science yet so I’m not entirely sure. But perhaps this post will be at least a little more coherent than last week’s post. Perhaps not. I am feeling rather frazzled every time I look at my packing.

This is not the first time that I have packed up my life in 2 suitcases and a carry-on bag to go live abroad. But this time is so much more different then when I lived in Ireland. Even though I have backpacked several times now and can easily live out of a backpack when I am traveling Europe, this is so much harder, despite having 2 full suitcases.

Part of my bags are reserved for the medical equipment and other supplies I am bringing for the trip that will serve as my equipment when I work with my patients. I have items that are typical for a nurse, like my stethoscope and blood pressure cuff, but then I have things like stress balls, mental health education materials, and basic medical supplies that I also need to take with me.

Another space in my suitcase is reserved for the typical supplies one needs when traveling. I have a few changes of clothing. Somehow less clothing then when I am backpacking, but I can do laundry easier (sort of) on this trip. And 3 sets of scrubs (again I will be washing certain things a lot more frequently). Clothing really shouldn’t take up a lot of room I have learned. You can always pay a local woman to sew you skirts and other items of clothing if needed.

Then another larger chunk of my suitcase is reserved for the things that are harder to find. Bug spray and sunscreen are not as common when I am traveling to, and they are expensive. I have texted others that have been to South Sudan where I am going. Making sure I am taking the right things and removing things I do not need. Bug spray must contain Deet, but over in the villages Deet isn’t common in bug spray. Sunscreen is very expensive to purchase. There are many things that I need to pack that I won’t necessarily be able to find when I am there. These take priority over clothing.

Then there are the things that I have changed out to make smarter packing choices. I am not bringing paperback books. Instead, I will rely on the downloads on my phone or laptop to read. My regular shampoo and conditioner were changed out for bar soap, shampoo, and conditioner. How many shoes do I bring? I am not a shoe person but I also don’t want to run out of usable shoes while I am there so is four too many or just enough (this includes shower shoes and a pair of sandals). So, on goes the internal debate of how much to pack.

The final portion of my packing consists of the creature comforts I would like to take along. These are items to make my place just a little nicer and a little more home-y for the days I am home-sick. So ideally, I want to take a set of sheets I really like and a pillow, plus a small bottle of vanilla sent that I like. Obviously, the pillow and sheets are larger but relatively light so I hope I can fit them but if not, then these will stay behind. Also, my photos of friends, family, and home will be coming too I hope.

I am not at all finished packing. More than being concerned with the room in my suitcases it comes down to the weight of the suitcases. Some of the flights I could just pay to have heavier bags but there comes a point where I will not have that option. I have to go with weight and if it is too heavy it cannot go.

I am sure over the next week I will pack, re-pack, weigh, and debate at least 3 more times before I figure out what is actually going. There will be more texts to those in my group that have done this before to figure out what I should be concerned about and what I shouldn’t worry about. And I will stare down my packing list so I know I have what I need. Inevitably I will forget something bit as long as that something is nothing urgent or life-affecting it will be fine. Until then I’m off to go stare at the piles of items in my room and figure out what goes and what stays.  

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