Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Fútbol & Pool

If you had told me that when I came to South Sudan one of my main sources of entertainment would be either fútbol or pool I would have laughed at you. I would have imagined other ways I would spend my time. I am not sure what I thought I would be doing, but I had created a list of ideas of things I could do, and it did not include those two things.

I do love fútbol (what we Americans call Soccer, and the rest of the world shakes their heads and fists at us for not calling Football like they do). However, in the US I do watch fútbol from time to time but not to the extent I do here. I have watched a few games here and there over the past few years.

Here in WES fútbol is a big source of entertainment. I schedule certain plans around when there are fútbol matches. I have begun following the Primer League, which is very popular here. Now I am not the fan that so many of the people are here, but I certainly have begun following it more closely. My "teams" are Manchester United and Manchester City, thanks to one of my friends.

Now that the season is over, I am not sure what fútbol games we will watch but I am sure there will still be games we follow. During the season many of us would make plans to watch the games. Sometimes I watched a game with colleagues from the office. Other times I watched at my compound or the neighboring one. Most weekends I could be found, in the evenings, at the neighboring compound watching a game.

Fútbol is a source of entertainment and a source of joy for many people here in South Sudan, especially men. Many people I interact with have a team or teams they follow. We can jokingly tease each other about teams, or I witness debates about teams. Many people own different teams’ jerseys and you can buy them in the markets here. I have really enjoyed learning more about fútbol, but I still have more to learn.

Because I have been spending so much time at the neighboring compound (easily and safely accessed from the compound I live in) I have found many different activities there. Sometimes I just go there for dinner. Other nights I have gone there for karaoke or to go dancing. Now that I go there most nights (the food is good and I am tired of a rice, beans, and many of the other dishes available at my compound).

Since the kitchen there can take over an hour to prepare food it is good to find a way to pass the time. This has been playing pool. I haven't played pool since I was probably 16 or 17. I barely remember the rules. Sometimes I just make them up as I go. Plus, everyone from all the different countries here, has their own rules. I even taught one of my friends here how to play and now he beats me most games.

Sometimes my friends and I play, sometimes competitions start, and sometimes we just sit and watch other people play. Once in a while I will play by myself. I still stink at pool and feel like I don't have a good grasp on the skills it takes to play, but I don't care. It is fun to play regardless and it passes the time.

Some people are more serious about the game. There are a few pool players that seem to come in most nights and play. They have very specific rules that they play by and often I get very confused by all their rules. I am more interested in playing for fun. Sot that's what I do. Then I watch the more serious games.

I look forward to the days I watch pool or play and I look forward to the fútbol matches on TV. Last weekend the CMMB staff even played a friendly match of fútbol and the community came out and watched. All of this is a good way to pass the time and to try and make friends along the way. I am enjoying this very much. I may not play pool when I get back home, but I think I will keep following some of these fútbol teams.


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