Sunday, January 15, 2023

Welcome to South Sudan!

 Alright… This is my first official blog post I am sharing since I started the process of volunteering in South Sudan and actually coming here. You are welcome to read the older posts but from here out I will be posting with the intention of sharing. The older posts were ways for me to prepare and reflect before I leave and something for me to look back on when my time here is over.

My posts are probably rough and reflections of some of the things I am concentrating on while I am here. They are also a reflection of what I am learning and seeing. Some of the information may not always the most correct. I am constantly learning new things and understanding a new culture. As times go on, I hope my blog will reflect what I am learning and experiencing.

When my friend asked if it felt real being here, finally being in South Sudan after talking about volunteering and coming here for so long, I could honestly say it did not and to an extent still does not feel real. It feels like I am on a temporary vacation still, albeit a different style vacation. There are moments though, that bring what I am doing and why I am here, and that I am here more clearly to me. Being here is so much more than I expected.

So, some background on my trip to South Sudan. I am here as a Volunteer Registered Nurse focusing on Mental Health and Psychiatric care. The plan is for me to be here for about 6 months. There is very limited mental health care here. I am volunteering with CMMB (Catholic Medical Mission Board), an NGO based out of New York City.

While I am not sure about many of the specifics of my job I know my primary focus is going to Yambio PHCC and St. Theresa Hospital in Nzara. Both of these are located in in the Western Equatoria State of South Sudan. I may also serve, from time to time, in two other counties and if the need arises try and provide education elsewhere where CMMB serves. I am serving people of all ages, though my organization focuses on Maternal health, and Women and Pediatric care. However, my work will involve anyone who is interested in mental health care.

So some of the thoughts I have about what I would like to do while I am here: Educate the community about mental health, address stigma’s surrounding mental health, educate medical staff on mental health care (therapies, holistic care, and other such care), working with children who have experienced trauma and addressing those concerns, and other patient care.

For now, it is the weekend and I am hanging out at the UN compound where I am living, for the time being. My apartment is nice and there is a cafeteria here, along with plenty of places to walk around and vegetation to look at. I have a very slow weekend and have lots of little things to occupy myself with but I am grateful for that.

Not sure how often I will post but I will try and keep people updated on what I am up to and where I am working. Pictures may be tricky depending on where I am as they have regulations of taking photos in certain areas if you are a part of an NGO. That sounds worse than it really is. It’s a security thing. Most places I can take photos. Right now I am mainly taking it all in. I am sure there will be plenty to say and show in the coming weeks.

More to come in the next few days though!

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