Tuesday, June 13, 2023

See You Later Yambio

It is not goodbye but see you later. Somehow even though I am saying that and I do mean that, it is still very hard to leave. I am ready to leave, but it is still so hard to go.

On Monday I left Yambio. Over the previous weekend I left Nzara. The reality is that I don't know if I will ever come back to these places. I would love to, but the reality can be much different, so I know that as I tell people “See you later" I don't know if or when I will. And I felt sad. I have hope I will see a few of those people again, but for most I am just not sure.

One thing that nearly put me in tears was a phone call from Veronica, who told me some of the women stopped by with gifts to say thank you to me for the work I have done with them. I am so very grateful for them and their desire to work with me. They gifted me a few lovely pieces, including a traditional hat, bowl, 2 bags, beads, and pineapples. I had to buy a bag to carry it all. I am so grateful for them.

At the airport (a giant open field where we took shelter from the sun under the mango trees at the edge) we waited for over an hour for the plane. I waited with Taban, sharing last minute talks on so many different things. I felt composed for most of our talk. We laughed and joked, but as the time ticked by too quickly, we knew it was close to time to say goodbye.

Justin, one of the other guys from the office, and Susan, who works with me and Veronica, were waiting under another mango tree with Veronica chatting. Taban and I joined them and we all chatted while the plane landed and then unloaded. As soon as I saw the plane coming in more tears started. I tried in vain to not cry, but lots of tears came.

Hugs and last-minute words were exchanged and then Veronica and I boarded the plane for Juba. As the plane started to climb up in the air, I watched Yambio get smaller and cried some more. I pray I see some of these people again. I have loved many of the moments I have had in WES. I continued with tears on-and-off throughout the short flight.

In Juba I spend the day in my hotel. I had some projects to do. As part of saying goodbye, I need to finalize my projects. Then came some phone calls from my friends back in Yambio and the tears came again. On-and-off thinking of them and thinking of all the good and bad times over the last few months. I am blessed for the experiences I have had.

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