Saturday, April 8, 2023

A very brief post

I left home 3 months ago. I have been living in South Sudan for that long. It is both challenging and rewarding being here. I have met some truly wonderful people and had some great experiences. I have also had some not so wonderful experiences.

I am happy to be back in my apartment in Yambio. I spent the last weekend in Juba and since I am not super comfortable being outside in Juba alone, I spent most of the time in the hotel. The hotel was okay but the food there isn't that good. But after a quick flight I am in my home away from home.

It was also good to go back to work after my week off. I mean I went to the Juba office Friday and did some work but this week I was able to go back and do some clinical stuff. I have some cases I am following and some other work that I am doing with my time and being on leave gave me an opportunity to brainstorm some of the things I want to do during the remainder of my time here.

The week was challenging. Not work so much but the general feelings I have over being here. When I first got here, I read a book that is supposed to help prepare someone for living overseas. One of the chapters talks about culture shock. Some people experience culture shock right away, usually on short trips.

However, other people experience culture shock later on. Particularly during longer trips or when moving someplace overseas. In my case I think I am starting to experience some of that culture shock. This is when the newness and excitement of coming to a new location wears off and more of the harsher and more negative sides comes through.

This week, and even shortly before going on R & R, it has become challenging. I won't lie and say that I am struggling a bit. I find myself getting frustrated on things that I wasn't getting annoyed by before. I am trying to remind myself to take a step back and think about things and just reflect on where I am and what I am doing. But things can be hard too and I have to acknowledge that.

Easter is coming and it is a big holiday here. I missed Palm Sunday because I was in Juba with no idea where there was a catholic church and feeling uncomfortable going there by myself. Tomorrow, I hope to make it to church. Easter feels different here. It is a big celebration here as well, but there are no Easter baskets, bunnies, or colored eggs. Church will play a big role in tomorrow’s celebration. There are small signs of Easter preparations, like food preparations.

Otherwise, I don't have much to write about now. I hope everyone has a good Easter and I hope for more to write soon.

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