Thursday, February 2, 2023

Making Friends

I swear there is an art form to making friends. I have yet to learn how to do it as easily as I see others doing it. However, I am grateful that people are willing to make friends with this Khawaja (the term used here for white person- no idea how to spell it).

This weekend Sheila and Mike, both UNICEF employees temporarily in Yambio for a Covid Vaccine Campaign, took me under their wings and befriended me. Sheila was staying in the apartment next to mine. I have zero idea how we met but it must have been on the veranda between our rooms.

Anyways she invited me out with her and Mike Saturday night. So, Saturday night we headed to the adjoining UN compound and went dancing. All of the music is African Pop. The only American song was “Waka Waka” By Shakira.

We danced for hours. It was so much fun. Several people danced with me and tried to teach me how to dance like a real African woman. I failed miserably but I am going to keep going and keep trying. Mike and Sheila teased me about my poor dancing skills but we had fun. We walked back to the compound and made plans to hang out the following day.

Sunday was a lazier day. I got up early and headed out on a walk. I went to the market, but was there too early for anything to be open, and then to the lake near my work. I really enjoyed looking at the lake in the early morning light, but I didn’t hang out too long because there were many groups of guys but few women so I felt weird hanging there.

After my walk I headed back to the compound and just hung out for the hottest part of the day. It seems to be consistently around 98* and sunny. It doesn’t feel horrible but I also avoid moving around a lot outside during the hottest parts of the day.

Later in the day I am sitting on the veranda enjoying the afternoon sun and my music when Sheila comes out of her apartment. She invited me to a meeting with her and Mike about how the vaccine campaign is going. We walk to the PHCC. I didn’t know where it was by foot until then.

It was so interesting to sit there and listen to the different conversations, what things are going well and what things need improvement. It gave me a lot of insight into how things are done here and what might be some of the unanticipated challenges I may face in the future with my own work.

After the meeting we walked a bit, trying to go to the market but finding it closed, just through some of the streets. When we got back to the compound we headed to the restaurant in hopes of good food and music. We had decent food but no music. Mike decided to sing to us since there was no music. He likes karaoke. Sheila likes to dance.

I had a blast hanging out with them. Sheila is from Juba and Mike is from Ethiopia. Both are great teachers and enjoy talking about things, and answering the barrage of questions I always have. Mike and Sheila are both happy to share their culture with me. They are fun and make me laugh.

Monday night I didn’t see either of them when I headed to dinner at the cafeteria. However, just about the time I was finishing my food Mike walked in. He got his food and sat with me. We chatted, talked about work, and about his family. Eventually Sheila made her way in and got her food. We all hung out there for a while.

We walked outside the compound after dinner in hopes of some street maize (corn- but they call it maize here). We had no luck. The street was pretty quiet except some teenagers and young adults hanging out listening to the radio. Only two stands were still open.

None of us felt like going back inside to our apartments so we walked to the adjacent compound and went to the bar. It was a quiet night there but fun and relaxing. I met a few more people. Everyone is very friendly and fun. There is always lots of laughter, singing, and music with this group. I am very grateful to have met them.

Tuesday was our last night together, the three of us. Mike was headed back to Juba Wednesday. He was hesitant to hang out with us Tuesday night but we convinced him to grab a drink at UNMISS with us. We walk over and as usual with us it was fun and relaxing. There is so much laughter and happiness with these two.

Sadly on Wednesday morning I said goodbye to Mike. We had breakfast together, all three of us. Then we all had to get to work. But before we parted ways we exchanged numbers so we can keep in touch. Mike says he’ll be back and I hope that is true. I will also try and see him and Sheila in Juba when I go back there. Fortunately, Sheila is here for a few more days so I do still get to spend time with her. 


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